Board of Directors Meeting
3/1/2018, 6:30pm
John Walsh Library
Present: Ryan Weaver (President), Kevin Leofler (Vice President), Glen Meiring (Secretary), Steve Cechner (Past President), Bill David (Director), Jeff Hammons (Director)
Young Eagles results from 2017
- Total includes TPS Aviation Expo + Plane Fun + Wood County Air Fair + Individual flights
- 377 Young Eagles Flown
- $1885 in Young Eagles credits earned.
Tentative 2018 schedule proposed. (VP K. Loefler). To be finalized and published.
Consider moving to quarterly meetings. (Pres R. Weaver)
- Focus more on cultured craftsman meetings
- After discussion, decided to keep with monthly except summer months and November / December
- Need speakers, subject matter, etc.
- Air Campers: Brendan / Colin (S. Cechner)
- Combine w / Aviation Explorers (Weaver)
- Martha Lunkin (Cechner). B. David has a contact
- Skype with Matthew Curcio, Scaled Composites
- Lonnie Prince
- Tim Williams, Foreflight presentation
- Parish Oneil, Insurance
- Jamie Weidner, great airline emergency stories
- Gordon ?, YouTube? (B. David)
- Note: A review of Bylaws calls for Monthly meetings on specific days and times.
Winter Banquet
- Should we cancel since so late?
- Consider spring banquet - Call it celebration of tax status
- Jeff Hamons will check into Shriners hall again.
- Proposing 4/28
Consider an Oshkosh Fuel and Food Fill-Up for planes coming from the East to Oshkosh with Air to Air photoshoots
- Saturday / Sunday 7/21 and 7/22.
- All day hang-out with chapter members.
- Serve food and help out travelers on the way to Oshkosh
- Provide Air to Air photographs of planes coming and going
- Air to Air photographs for community visitors and / or members and guests
Plan target drop (aka bomb drop), poker run, and/or photography scavenger hunt.
Motion to find and purchase mobile phone repeater for chapter hanger,
- B. David 1s, Leofler 2nd
- Motion voted and passed
- Nominated J. Hammons to research
- site shows devices less than $1000.
There was discussion about hosting pancake breakfast on Saturdays. TBD.
Hangar Use
2 members, Paul Cooper and Mike Kimball, have asked to host a chapter restoration project of a Taylorcraft L-2 using the chapter hangar. They propose gathering corporate sponsors to support the project.
- Board must approve the parameters, scope and calendar of the project.
- The board raised the following questions
- Who owns the aircraft [before, during and after project]?
- What happens to the aircraft when the project is complete?
- Explain how corporate sponsors will participate and benefit.
- What are Paul and Mike's history of previous projects?
- Paul and Mike should submit their plans to the board for review.
- Paul and Mike might consider an organizational meeting to determine interest in the project.
Plane Fun
K. Leofler contacted National Guard regarding a fly-over. They would like more information about the event including how money from the event is used. A Director suggested inquire about a helicopter [visitors could view up close??]
Other Business
- It was suggested that for events which involve food and guests, consider asking guests to sign up for a “Contact” membership. This may mitigate the need for Health Department inspections required for public food service since participants would be “members”. (B. David) Note: a short review of Chapter Bylaws does not show “Contact” membership as a valid member type. Members must also be members of EAA national
- First Aid Kit should be kept up-to-date. Dan Weise has previously already volunteered to restock the kit in a seperate personal meeting. This is understood to be a one-time restocking.
- We should consider posting a list of things the Chapter needs to do on the web site. Members could then volunteer to complete items. (B. David)