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  • Monday, June 08, 2015 10:27 PM | Deleted user

    Motion to charge minimum donation for Hanging at the hanger of $10. Motion passed.

    Young Eagles: 

    Need to establish rules for selection of Young Eagles camp attendees.

    Motion to establish Young Eagle Academy Coordinator. Motion passed.

    Lynn Simone is the Air Academy Coordinator. 

    Plane fun planning meeting Thursday, 6-11 at 7pm.

    second meeting, Monday, 6-15 at 7pm.

  • Thursday, April 23, 2015 8:00 PM | Deleted user

    Members meeting April 23

    • Financial review:

      • audit completed

    • Hath Kick-off of the season

      • Band

      • Pig roast

      • Cash bar

      • Register via webpage

        • purchase tickets

    • Plane fun

      • Father’s day

        • weekend of the 21st

      • New format:

        • Focus on Young Eagles, Kids

        • Location: front  of EAA hangar

          • Candy drop

          • Young Eagle rides

          • Rib building etc

        • Use tickets rather than cash

          • simplify cash management

          • No entrance fee, concentrate on food sales, hat and shirt sales

          • purchase tickets at door

          • Couple of tents

          • Tables set up for rib building, etc

        • Need volunteers

          • sign up on web page

          • Hats and T shirts, other things for sale

    • Scholarships EAA Air Academy

      • EAA youth camps

      • Young eagle points for scholarships

      • Nomination form on Webpage

        • complete form on webpage

      • Form selection committee for scholarship recipients

    • See Mike W to set-up builders meetings

  • Wednesday, April 22, 2015 8:11 PM | Deleted user

    Members Meeting, March 26th, 2015

    Review BOD topics.

    • Simulator:

      • Discussions on how to manage the simulator

        • Seeking feedback from all members on how to structure the simulator program

    • Chapter hats:

      • Hats: $15 per hat

      • Other apparel

        • Shirts:

        • pre-order or have some on hand for sales?

          • Polo and tee shirts

    • Order sample shirts for club:

      • Polo and tee shirts

      • Order tee shirts to sell at Young Eagles

        • standard blue shirts for young eagle

        • Motion that we buy shirts for young eagles:

          • 20 med, 40 large, 40 Xlarge

          • Young eagle logo

          • Gilded 100% Cotton?

          • Get pricing

          • Allocate $700

    Motion passed.

      • Matt to check if can get sample shirts to have members look at.

    • HATH:

      • Start May 29th.

      • Do same menu as last year

        • Pig Roast

        • Try to get same band

        • $20 per ticket cash bar.(members and guests)

    • Plane Fun:

      • Plane fun to be held on ramp of EAA 582 hangar

      • will be scheduling a planning meeting soon.

      • Need help and volunteers.

    • Events:

      • Poker Run:scavenger hunt (Dan Wiese)

        • Donations for shelter house campaign

        • July 11, 2015 rain date: TBD

        • Event proposal passed by members

      • Bomb drop:(Ryan Weaver)

        • propose having during 2nd HATH

        • Event proposal passed by members

  • Tuesday, March 03, 2015 6:02 PM | Deleted user

    EAA members meeting, Feb 26th, 2015

    Review of minutes:

    • Financial report

    • Insurance: increase from $10k to $25K

      • Working with Brooks insurance

      • Hangar: about 350K

      • Business: increased to $25K

      • Liability: EAA Hangar keepers policy,Investigating additional with Brooks insurance

      • all insurance is in place.

    • Key fob locks in place for front door

      • investigating additional doors, Library

    • Winter affair:

      • Still in planning stage

      • Looking for Ideas from members. will discuss further in today’s meeting.

    • Working on survey of what the members want from club

    • Simulator:

      • simulator committee has been formed

      • work is progressing

    • Aerodynamic class held

      • Successful class

    New Business

    • Simulator:Jeff Hammons

      • Simulator built in Library

      • 5 monitor surround

      • instrumentation will be a separate monitor

      • Negotiating with Fly This Sim for software

        • based on X Plane

    • Winter banquet:

      • need ideas from members

      • Target $25 per person

    • HATH

      • will continue

      • Plan for kick-off HATH in May, similar to last year

  • Monday, February 02, 2015 3:18 PM | Deleted user

    Jan 22 members meeting

    Financial report review $38,087.14 balance

    Financial report will be available on website.


    1. Investigating having professional money manager handle investments

    2. Auditing: look at having Rich work with Rick Roland for review of books bi annually

    3. Renewals: being handled via web page.

    New Business:


    1. Tom is in process renewing insurance

    Door lock Key Fobs:

    1. Key fobs distributed

    2. Please be mindful of keeping doors secured.

    Winter affair:

    1. Suggestions welcome

    2. March 7th

    3. Joe Deaton is putting together a survey of what the members want for banquet and other functions.


    1. Steve C. is leading committee to design and build simulator. Contact Steve with ideas or assistance.

    2. Commitee will build a plan, develop budget and present to members.

    Young Eagle:

    Purchased equipment for young eagles. Approx $2K


    48 hats,


    Decided to order hats

    Matt will order hats. Goal to have by Winter party.

    Bill David will host lecture: Aerodynamics for Private Pilots.

    • Feb 25th.

    • Sign up on web page
  • Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:09 PM | Deleted user
    Tom Park, Lonnie Prince, Steve Chechner, Bridgett David, Jeff Hamons, Rick Roland
    Dave Horvath: absent

    2015 Direction:
    • Financial Direction
      • Adopt policy
        • Look at Shriner’s financial policy for direction and ideas
        • Rick Roland and Richard Hartley to get together and pursue.
    • Insurance:
      • Two policies
        • Garage policy: through EAA
        • Property insurance
          • increase property insurance from $10K to $25K
          • Bldg insured for $470K,
    • Door Locks:
      • back door wired and functional
        • key fobs can be programmed
      • Front door: need to change out hardware
        • need to program key fobs prior to change over
      • Send out key fobs, disconnect key fob when dues are not paid. Ask to return if cancel membership
      • Steve to program key fobs this weekend. Will arrive in member’s mail by end of the month.
      • Steve to get the web app running using his friend.
      • Goal to get door lock project completed by end of Jan.
      • Steve to work with Dave to get locks installed
    • Plane Fun:
      • Work with Eric B. on plane fun planning, include Eric in planning
      • Lonnie to work with Eric.
    • Simulator: Steve to champion starting a committee for Simulator.
    • Party, Social function:
    pick a date: for winter party.
    1st week of march. March 7th.
    BOD is party committee
    March party
    next BOD mtg Feb 2nd.

  • Saturday, December 27, 2014 3:37 PM | Deleted user
    • ·         Dues/Renewals:
    • o   Renew using webpage
    • o   Reminders will be sent out at 30 days, 15 days prior to expiration and at expiration.
    • ·         Financial report:
    • o   About $4k behind where we were last year.
    • o   Expenses are up.
    • o   Financials are available
    • ·         Are we ready to put a board in place?
    • o   Positive discussion
    • o   Tom Park to pursue
    • ·         Hats:
    • o   Motion by Lonnie to purchase 48 hats and charge $2.00 more than cost to members
    • o   Motion rescinded
    • o   Decided: Matt Curcio will obtain quote for 48 hats and provide at next meeting
    • o   Will decide at next meeting the sales price and next steps
    • o   Noted that logo for hats was the result of a design competition at the club in 1978
    • ·         Door locks
    • o   Wiring has been run and installed
    • o   Per Jeff H, there are problems with software loaded on the computer
    • o   Recommend that software is reloaded
    • o   Jeff needs to get a handoff from Dave H.
    • ·         Flight Simulator:
    • o   Goal is to set up a dedicated flight simulator
    • o   Simulator is being built by Jeff and Joe
    • o   Motion: Fast track to use Young Eagle money to purchase required equipment for simulator
    • o   Motion seconded
    • o   Motion passed unanimously
    • ·         Ground School:
    • o   Pursue holding a ground school
    • o   Ideas for potential students: Young Eagles, FAA pilot database
    • o   Tom will follow-up with Richard Hartley to investigate having him teach the class
    • o   10 week class, start in Jan or Feb
    • ·         Winter Banquet:
    • o   Discussion of having winter banquet.
    • o   Discussion to continue at next meeting
    • ·         EAA Promotional Video:
    • o   Preview was shown
    • o   $600 fronted by Bill David for video production
    • o   Discussion regarding non-compliance with process
    • o   Motion to have club pay full cost of $600
    • o   Motion amended to have club pay full cost of $600 in two installments, first installment now, second installment when it is completed; to be completed within the next 60 days from today’s date
    • o   Motion Seconded
    • o   Motion passed unanimously

    • -minutes submitted by Scott Riggs                         
  • Friday, September 26, 2014 4:13 PM | Tom Park


    Below are updates from last month’s meeting in red.


    New topics might include;



    1.    Young Eagles event – Chapter 1247 at PCW originally had an event scheduled for Sept. 27. That has been postponed until October 5. They are looking for planes/pilots. I will send out a chapter wide email requesting support.

    2.    Young Eagles equipment – Our chapter has $3500 in Young Eagles credit that must be used before the end of the year. I am opting for 2 new laptops and a laser printer at a minimum. Another thought would be an electronic whiteboard that could be used like the departure boards at an airport so people can see how far down the line they are. Please ask for thoughts from the member. Otherwise I will just use my best judgment. The credits can be donated back to EAA national.

    3.    Elections, obviously.




    These are the meeting minutes from Steve Cechner.



    1. computer system

     - The EAA flight sim computer is operational again. The cause of it's problems has been determined to be the solid state drive which is under warranty and being returned to the manufacturer

     - The topic of the need for a second computer was discussed. The general consensus of the gathered members was that a second computer is generally not necessary as the current system is more than robust enough to handle mundane chapter tasks. If the board of directors and the chapter officers still feel that a second system is required for general chapter operations, then I will proceed with acquiring another computer as was approved last month.

     - For the record, I used the system last night for the entire duration of the meeting without incident and flew a simulated 172 for a while.


    The SSD was sent back to the manufacturer and was repaired. It is now installed in the system and it appears to be functioning just fine. Members are free to use the system again. The username for a chapter user is 582user and the password is chapter582.



    2. The topic of collecting ideas for Plane fun 2015


     - There were some ideas brought up. Karl mentioned that perhaps we could get a high school or middle school local robot competition club involved. Karl is checking into that possibility.  I brought up the thought of perhaps trying to get a car show to help fill space on the ramp or grass. I advised anyone with ideas to forward them to Brigitte David


    3. Door locks.

     - I informed the gathered members that the system has been installed (at least I thought it was) and that the software end of it has been a stumbling block but that we were close to resolution. Dave Horvath is monitoring that situation.


    I spoke to Dave yesterday, the 23rd of Sept. The software issues have been resolved and we are in I possession of the correct software. Programming is in progress. I believe I was incorrect about the physical installation of the hardware.  I do not believe that has been accomplished yet.





    1. Mini Chili fly-in event.

     - The topic of the October mini chili fly-in event was discussed. I advised the members that I spoke to EAA Risk Management about sponsoring the event and they said that our chapter can sponsor the event without requiring any other insurance documents from the Newbury's. As long as the chapter is the sole organizer we need only submit the usual insurance request form. I advised Dan Wiese, the event coordinator, to submit a budget which the chapter officers will review. Donations will be accepted at the event which have, in the past, covered the expenses. I believe it is in our interest to sponsor the event as Dan stated that he will do the event regardless and as Dan is known to be associated with our chapter for insurance sake we should be proactive and get the event covered.


    2. TPS High School EXPO, Sept. 13-14 Young Eagle event.

     - I brought up the need for volunteers to cover the registration desk at this event. The insurance form has already been requested.


    This event went very well. There is room for improvement on the process and we will be holding a debriefing meeting to identify how and what we can do to make it work better. For the record, there were NO, ZERO, NONE ,ZILCH, unsigned applications. There were 3 that were sufficiently questionable that I chose not submit them. So we flew 241 kids and will get credit for 238. All the paperwork has been submitted.



    These are my recollections.


    Steve Cechner

    Vice President


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