Members meeting
Chapter Library
Glen Meiring called the meeting to order with 20 members present.
An introduction of the members present was given by each member. They gave a little background as to who they are, what their involvement is with aviation as well as their interests. It was well received and a great way to include interaction among the members.
Nominations were open for Chapter Officers.
Nominations included;
1) President--- Joe Deaton
2) Vice President --= Mike Whitescarver
3) Secretary== DeAnne Wiese
4) Treasurer --- Rick Rowland
All nominations were accepted
The members unanimously voted in favor of accepting the 4 nominations for Officers. Voting was closed with the unanimous acceptance by the new officers.
Builders meetings was discussed New member, Jim Barren wants to use the hanger space at an established cost to set up his wings and practice folding and attaching. It was discussed that this would be an opportunity to host a Builders group for members to participate and help. Mike Whitescarver will work with Jim to designate a schedule.
Mike Whaitescarver will be working on scheduling other builders projects to re-establish the builders group.
Dee read off the other committee and chairperson needs in order to fill the open BOD participants.
Upon receiving the elected new officers, Dee will complete the renewal form to be submitted to National EAA
John Kurfis is interested in writing the Chapter newsletter as well as helping maintain the Chapter Facebook Page.
The officers agreed to provide John the material for including in the newsletter.. such as Presidents article, Secretary's report as well as other contributing articles submitted by others.
There was a variety of discussions about the upcoming year agendas and mission.
Joe Deaton (President) was pleased with the turn out for the meeting and looks forward to the involvement of the members for the upcoming year.
President Joe Deaton stated he is working on providing a list of names (once accepted) of the members who will participate on the Board of Directors.
Those BOD's members will be announced at the next members meeting once provided by Joe.
Dee stated she is awaiting confirmation from guest Speaker Frank Capri (Apache Helicopter Pilot) to be announced for the February Members meeting.
The floor was opened for any other discussions by the members. No other discussion were made present.
The meeting was adjourned by a motion from Rick Rowland and second by Mike Whitecarver. All in favor was unanimous.
Pizza was provided by Joe Deaton, drinks were provided by the Chapter along with bacon wrapped weenies provided by Kyle Selhorst.