BOD Meeting, 1/8/2021

Friday, January 08, 2021 7:00 PM | Glen Meiring (Administrator)

BOD Meeting held during Friday HATH event.

President Ryan Weaver appointed the following directors and they have all accepted: Bill David; Joe Deaton; Joe Priebe; Bill Elvey


Pres Ryan Weaver; VP Todd Shaw; Treas Rick Rowland; Sec Glen Meiring

Directors: Joe Deaton; Joe Priebe; Bill Elvey

Ryan Weaver: 

  • Read the bylaws aloud, summarizing some parts
    • Some parts need updated: Quorum, Meeting dates / Times; Address; Classifications, etc. 
    • Glen Meiring will review and update.  Will put the revision up for approval as specified in the Bylaws.
  • Discussed possible events for this year
    • Awards Banquet - TBD
      • Glen noted that EAA has a speaker's bureau that you can search for speakers.
    • Pancake breakfast in April
    • Newsletter including upcoming events - Deaton is pretty much doing this with the Weekly Flyer


  • Deaton proposed we reinstate the Life membership for Robert Robson (Mayor Bob).  Bob was given a life membership by, then president, Bill Hirzel, and witness by several folks, for his contributions building the hangar, etc..  A later president, Tom Park, did not recognize this membership because "it was not written down".  Bob was disenfranchised for several years.
    • The motion was unanimously approved.
  • Review and update bylaws - Glen Meiring
  • Rick Rowland proposed the idea for a "Ride Board" where pilots and passengers can find each other.
  • Backflow preventer inspection - Deaton usually gets a letter from Wood County about this time of year.  We'll wait for the letter.
  • Rick Rowland mentioned that his quickbooks backups to the Google Drive don't appear to be working.  Will get with Cechner or Glen.

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